The Beatles 100 Greatest Songs: #96 “ Within You Without You"
I had to take a few days off from the computer over the weekend due to a long-awaited vacation to New York City (where my wife and I stopped by Central Park during our stay). Fate would have it that the next song in the countdown was one I always remember my brother having a great affinity for, so I let him offer his take on "Within You Without You." Thanks, Kevin!
I do enjoy the song tremendously. I actually only own a couple Beatles albums but Sgt. Pepper has always been a fav. The album rolls through a lot of different phases, love songs, rock songs, ballads and this trippy cut. "Within you Without you" is the most addicting and intriguing song of the album. I always picture being full of hallucinogens when I hear this song. I always wished it was a 10 or 12 minute song. George always seemed the mysterious member of the band and this adds to that notion.
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